Database list no longer shows aliases, now shows full path

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Database list no longer shows aliases, now shows full path

Post by eisaacs » Wed Apr 26, 2006 4:45 pm

Using SOS 3.5.1 client and server, after saving a new database to the server, all of the database aliases are no longer displaying in the database list. All databases have aliases defined. Instead of showing the alias in the client list, the list is showing Full paths to the Source Safe INI files (srcsafe.ini).

The problem occurred after saving a new database to the server. This caused all clients to start displaying the full paths instead of the aliases.

See attached GIF file as an example of the problem. The attachement shows the server screen where aliases are defined and also shows the client list where aliases are not being displayed properly.
two small print screens of SOS manager and sos client
SOSIssue.GIF (20.31 KiB) Viewed 5775 times

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Post by lbauer » Fri Apr 28, 2006 3:34 pm

We haven't seen this before. Are the aliases listed in the sossvr.prp file, the server properties file in the SOS Server directory? Email me a copy of this file, and we'll take a look. It's Linda at
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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Post by eisaacs » Fri Apr 28, 2006 11:45 pm

After your tip, I reviewed the sossvr.prp file. It appears that our database list has been truncated probably because of a size issue.

The line in that file that lists...

server.database= ... had the last database missing and the second to the last database path truncated. There was no carriage return so the server.alias listing that followed was in the same line at the end of the server.database line that was truncated. It appears that we've maxed out the length of the database listing.

I tried manually changing the sossvr.prp file to fix the problem, but that didn't seem to work. The truncated server.database line is what I would assume to be the issue though, since the server.alias line is what follows it.

Linda, I am emailing you the prp file to your link below.


Eric Isaacs

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Joined: Wed Apr 26, 2006 4:26 pm

removed old projects from SOS to resolve issue

Post by eisaacs » Wed Jul 12, 2006 6:12 pm

This problem continues to plague us in SOS 4.1. We eventually delisted some of our old projects from SOS that we do not regularly use anymore. The projects are still in SourceSafe on our server, but just not listed as projects in SOS anymore, so they are not accessible via HTTP anymore. All the remaining project aliases are showing up again. The problem appears to simply be that the database path listing in the configuration file reached its maximum length and began to truncate the remaining entries. Removing the older projects, or keeping the project paths short by not nesting them too deep in subdirectories would also have helped.

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Post by lbauer » Thu Jul 13, 2006 3:26 pm

We have a special build of the SOS Server manager for SOS 4.1.2. Email linda at and I'll provide you with a copy. It may solve the problem you are experiencing.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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