"Open From Sorce Control" and older versions?

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"Open From Sorce Control" and older versions?

Post by PACEGMBH » Fri Oct 21, 2005 8:35 am

Just having read loads on the issue of mssccprj.scc file creation and the "Open From Sorce Control", I am left with one question:

How do you handle retrieval of older labels/versions? We are currently very fond of doing this through batch files (large projects, several solutions, possibly containing projects form different folders, even different repositories, all labeled independently). Running a batch file will so far not provide any mssccprj.scc files, hence I will not directly be able to open the old source in VS.NET.

"Open From Sorce Control", on the other hand, does not provide options for retrieving older versions. A brief test confirmed, that it will get the latest version at least of the solution file.

So I could then proceed to batch-retrieve the older version from Vault again. Cumbersome enough, but I now have an mssccprj file for my solution and IDE integration should work.

Of course, I could also create the mssccprj file in a different location and then copy it. But what happens, if the older version contains a different set of projects and therefore does not match the freshly generated mssccprj file?

Thanks for any advice
Armin Ortmann

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Post by dan » Fri Oct 21, 2005 8:48 am

There's not really a good answer for this if you retrieve a historical version of a project that no longer matches the structure for binding. You'd have to open it in a different working folder and just not use IDE integration.

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Post by PACEGMBH » Fri Oct 21, 2005 10:02 am

Hi Dan,

first of all thanks for the quick reply! What exactly keeps me from checking in the mssccprj files along with the solutions? In our files here I do not see path or profile information that would keep user B from using such a file after it was correctly checked in by user A.

I know it is nasty to keep prying, but currently the tradeoff of having to maintain mssccproj files manually along with the solutions for being able to open the correct verisions of older solutions in the IDE after batch-retrievals directly seems tempting to us.


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Post by dan » Fri Oct 21, 2005 10:15 am

The MSSCCPRJ.SCC file has user-specific connection info (either the user name to connect with or the login profile), which will be different for each user, and therefore will be incorrect when different users Get the file.

Is the intent to get an older version of the solution in order to modify it and check it back in? If so, it would probably work better to branch the solution at a release point, and then make the changes to the branch, then merge the changes back into the trunk.

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Post by PACEGMBH » Tue Oct 25, 2005 10:15 am

In fact I have found a point which effectively keeps us from checking in mssccprj.scc files. In some situations they must contain the combined info for several solutions/projects. In our current setup, this cannot be kept consistent with SCC-managed versions of these files.

As for the user-specific part:
1.) It seems no problem to leave the profile portions within the files blank, e.g. "http://localhost/VaultService|:1".
2.) It neither seems to be a big problem, if the profile portion is invalid for the current user. Vault shows an error message and lets the user choose a different profile.

