Shadow Folder problem

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Shadow Folder problem

Post by mlippert » Wed Oct 12, 2005 10:29 am

Our shadow folder is no longer working. I just examined the log and there are a lot of the following messages in it:
10/12/2005 12:24:13 PM <generic>: [<No Name>:3796] Shadow Folder could not initialize the Client Instance for Repository ID 5. Requested registry access is not allowed.
I don't know what this means, so I can't attempt to fix it.

I scrolled back through the log file and found many errors like the following which seems to have started on 8/17. I couldn't say what happened on 8/17.
8/17/2005 12:34:49 PM <generic>: [<No Name>:3572] Vault's Shadow Folders encountered an exception attempting to verify the Repository ID 5. Access to the path "C:\Program Files\Sourcegear\Vault Shadow Folder Cache\74C7A45B-B769-4A82-9B15-9A879F01DB93\admin\CacheMember_Repository" is denied.
Here's the version check info from the Vault client:
10/12/2005 11:33:49 AM] Version Check: This Vault client is version
[10/12/2005 11:33:49 AM] Version Check: Your Vault server is version
3.0.7 was upgraded to 3.1.2 on 9/23.


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Post by lbauer » Wed Oct 12, 2005 12:54 pm

Did shadow folders stop working right after you upgraded?

When you upgraded, did you use the same setup options as you did when you first installed Vault?

Is the Vault Shadow folder running under identity impersonation?

Are there any corresponding errors in the sgvault.log file?
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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Post by mlippert » Wed Oct 12, 2005 1:07 pm

Unfortunately I can't tell you when shadow folders stopped working, I was just told today that they weren't working, but I'm guessing based on the shadowfolder log file that they haven't been working for a while.

I had a problem with Shadow folders back in August
Shadow Folder problem that running the Identity switcher seemed to have fixed. I haven't touched our shadow folder configuration since then.

I don't see much in the sgvault.log file other than login and logouts
I just restarted the Vault server and the log info was:
----10/12/2005 12:18:01 PM sgvaultsystem--()--
System Started
Cache Level = 1
DataBase Buffer Size (KB) = 256
LogFile Path = C:\WINDOWS\Temp\sgvault
Log Level = Quiet
Archive Log = Weekly
ReverseDNS Lookup = True
Maximum HTTP Request Length = 102400
Overwrite Log on Startup = False
Session Timeout = 4320

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Post by lbauer » Wed Oct 12, 2005 1:19 pm

I'd suggest running the Identitt Switcher again, making sure it's referencing the Vault Shadow Folder web.config file. Some security settings on your machine or network may have changed, and need to be reconfigured.
Requested registry access is not allowed.
This error indicates the custom account used by the Shadow Folder Service may also need to be able to write to the registry.
Linda Bauer
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Post by mlippert » Wed Oct 12, 2005 2:03 pm

So if the custom account needs permissions to write to the registry, will the identity switcher give it those permissions?

It doesn't look like the identity switcher has been updated since I ran it last (the link still points to

I'll try re-running it anyway and report back how it goes.


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Post by lbauer » Wed Oct 12, 2005 2:08 pm

I think the Identity Switcher only sets directory, not registry permission. You may have to do the registry access manually.
Linda Bauer
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Post by mlippert » Wed Oct 12, 2005 2:12 pm

OK. The need for registry write access must have been a recent change. Do I need to give the account access to the entire registry or only part of it?


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Post by mlippert » Wed Oct 12, 2005 3:48 pm

I'm about to run regmon to try to figure out what the shadow folder service needs access to in the registry.

Meantime the entries in the log file now look like:
10/12/2005 5:21:45 PM <generic>: [<No Name>:2460] GetEntryAssembly() returned null; not logging assembly name
10/12/2005 5:22:41 PM <generic>: [<No Name>:776] SimpleLogger finalized
10/12/2005 5:36:21 PM <generic>: [<No Name>:3340] GetEntryAssembly() returned null; not logging assembly name

ps there's no way to restart just the shadow folder service without stopping and restarting all of IIS is there?

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Post by lbauer » Wed Oct 12, 2005 4:19 pm

You could try just restarting the Vault App Pool (IIS 6).
Linda Bauer
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Post by jclausius » Thu Oct 13, 2005 8:04 am

Mike wrote:there's no way to restart just the shadow folder service without stopping and restarting all of IIS is there?
Also, you could open/save Shadow Folder's web.config file. This will cause the Shadow Folder web service to restart.
Jeff Clausius
