CLI Options

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CLI Options

Post by Tony » Fri Sep 02, 2005 7:06 am

I need to call the Vault CLI interfaces repeatedly and I am planning to do so with the "BATCH -" mode to improve performance.

However, when I look at the documentation for GET and CHECKOUT, I don't see how I can specify the destination folder, short of changing the working folder before every operation.

Is there a way to tell the GET or CHECOUT operation to override the project's working forlder with a provided destination?

Posts: 28
Joined: Wed Apr 13, 2005 6:18 am
Location: Pennsylvania

Also, what about CHECKOUT without actually pulling a local c

Post by Tony » Fri Sep 02, 2005 7:11 am

Is there a way to do a CHECKOUT from the CLI without actually obtaining a local copy of the file?

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Post by dan » Fri Sep 02, 2005 7:28 am

Try the -destpath parameter on GET. There is sometimes confusion with this parameter, as people sometimes mistake it for the working folder. By default, files are retrieved to the working folder, but you can use -destpath to retrieve them somewhere else.

There is not a way to checkout a file to a non-working folder. Vault is designed to not allow this, since Vault needs to know which baseline the file started with in order to check it back in, and this can only be done from a working folder.

Also, a checkout will automatically try to get a file. However, if the local file is modified, you can specify the -merge option to not overwrite it.
