Moving Vault (server and database) to new machine

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Moving Vault (server and database) to new machine

Post by Ramesh » Mon Aug 15, 2005 9:35 am

We are in the process of moving the Vault server and database to a new server. The instructions in

seem pretty straightforward.

However, I would like to make sure that there are no other considerations. For instance, if there are files currently checked out in Vault A, after the move the users can connect to the new server and there should be no problems, right?

Any other precautions to take, or best practice suggestions?


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Post by lbauer » Wed Aug 17, 2005 8:35 am

You don't need to check in files when moving the server/database.

However if the server name/ip changes, you will need to recreate your profiles, plus you may need to unbind and rebind your VS.NET projects to the new server name.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager
