How to minimize/optimize client space used by Vault.

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How to minimize/optimize client space used by Vault.

Post by ssantiago » Thu Aug 04, 2005 1:27 pm

Are there any settings that I can change that would minimize the amount of local disk space the Vault client uses? Currently, the C:\Documents and Settings\<UserName>\Application Data\SourceGear directory is about 350MB.


Sam Santiago

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Post by dan » Thu Aug 04, 2005 1:42 pm

You can't really minimize it, but you can move it to a different place if you don't want Docs & Settings to be so big. In 3.1, go to Tools->Options->Local Files->Cache/Backup Locations.

The files in here are baselines that Vault uses to compute differences when checkin or getting new versions. It might get reduced some if you were to delete it and start over, but then you would lose all your client state (including working folders) and have to re-get everything to reset the state.
