Vault 3.0.7 restore is failing

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Vault 3.0.7 restore is failing

Post by jmarsch » Tue Aug 02, 2005 5:33 pm

We want to upgrade to version 3.1, but I want a successful test run first.

I am having a hard time getting my test-run environment to work. The Vault server install is erroring out when it tries to connect to the test database. (error information is below)

Here are the steps that I am taking:
1. Create a full database backup of our production sgvault database.

2. Restore the db backup to a non-production SQL Server

3. Create the SQL Server login that Vault will use (sgvaultuser)

4. Re-associate the login with the database user using sp_change_users_login (give it dbo role)

5. Login to the database with query analyzer (to test the account)

6. Begin Vault Server install on a test server.

7. when I enter the user information, the setup connects to the SQL server and locates the sgvault database. I am prompted whether I want to keep this database. I choose "yes".

8. The setup errors out, stating that the user id does not have access to the database.

9. After the setup runs, I re-perform step 5 (the login test), but now the login fails (weird, eh?). Error message: "Server user 'sgvaultuser' is not a valid user account in database 'sgvault'. Vault Setup exiting due to a failure or cancellation. Error Code = -1280."

I have tried other variations, where I delete the sgvault user from the sgvault database and then create a brand new login and user -- I still get the same results.

What do I need to do to get this to work?

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Post by lbauer » Tue Aug 02, 2005 5:57 pm

3. Create the SQL Server login that Vault will use (sgvaultuser)

4. Re-associate the login with the database user using sp_change_users_login (give it dbo role)

5. Login to the database with query analyzer (to test the account)
Eliminate these steps -- the installer takes care of this for you. If you use SQL Server Authentication in the SQL Server setup portion of the installation, the installer creates the sgvaultuser account. You may want to delete the login and db user you created, to avoid confusion.

So the steps would be: backup and restore your Vault database to the test SQL Server machine. Install Vault 3.1, pointing it at the new database location. Voila.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager
