Upload failed too many times

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Upload failed too many times

Post by Zenda » Tue Aug 02, 2005 8:01 am

One of our remote Vault users got this error message when he checked in his pending change set:

"Upload for item $/ProjectX/FXDialogs.rtf failed too many times, aborting transaction."

The rtf file is 16 MB in size and he is using a 28.8K modem connection to the internet (upload speed could be even slower). Is there anything we can set in Vault, such as timeouts, to avoid this error?


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Post by lbauer » Tue Aug 02, 2005 8:11 am

What version of the Vault Client is this user using, and what is the version of the Vault Server? What operating system is the Vault Server installed on?

Do other users have a problem uploading files of this size?

Can this user upload other types of files that are about the same size?

Is there anything in the Vault server log file which corresponds to the upload error?
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

Posts: 24
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Location: Toronto

Post by Zenda » Wed Aug 03, 2005 9:10 am

We are using 3.07 clients and server on an xp server 2003. Other users on the LAN do not have the problem. The remote user (using 28.8K modem) consistanly having problems uploading files of size >15M. The log file is showing the failures:

----7/29/2005 8:51:57 PM tstokes--hse-mtl-ppp3713.qc.sympatico.ca( Disabled FailExistingTx

----8/2/2005 10:35:56 AM tstokes--owensound-ppp147737.sympatico.ca( Disabled FailExistingTx
----8/2/2005 10:37:14 AM tstokes--owensound-ppp147737.sympatico.ca( Disabled FailExistingTx

It seems that something is timing out(?).

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Post by lbauer » Wed Aug 03, 2005 9:34 am

I'd like to see more of the log file before I suggest any configuration changes to the Vault server.

Could you send me the entire sgvault.log file and let me know the name of the user and times in the log where they tried the upload?

If I understand correctly, the user has no problems adding smaller files?

Is the user using Chunked encoding? (Vault GUI Client->Options->Network settings)

Sending a 15MB file over a 28.8K modem can take some time. Has this user successfully transferred large files through other apps, such as FTP without a problem? Could there be a firewall or other network device that's timing out after a certain period of time or a certain amount of data has passed?
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

Posts: 24
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Post by Zenda » Thu Aug 04, 2005 8:18 am

I will send you the log file in email. The user has no problem uploading smaller files and not using Chunked encoding. He can successfully transferred the files using ftp and even by pasting into the file explorer / IE when using our VPN.

We are suspecting the slow tansfer speed is causing the problem but we need to find out which component is timing out. (Vault, IIS, SQL server, or others)

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Post by lbauer » Thu Aug 04, 2005 4:58 pm

Ok, we can try some things. In IIS, there's a setting for timeouts. Show properties on the website where Vault is installed and look for WebSite->Connections. Set the Connection Timeout to 1800 seconds. (The Vault 3.1 installer automatically configures this setting).

Let me know if that helps.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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Post by Zenda » Mon Aug 15, 2005 9:49 am

The IIS Timeout is already set to 1800 sec.


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Post by lbauer » Mon Aug 15, 2005 2:26 pm

A couple other things to try:

-- Chunked encoding (Vault GUI Client Tools->Options->Network Settings). This may not work with certain proxies, but if it does, it can reduce memory consumption by the client during uploads.

-- Increase the SQL Server timeout value in the Vault.config file on the Vault Server machine to something higher, like 600.

Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager
