Should we upgrade to 3.1?

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Should we upgrade to 3.1?

Post by joshyeager » Fri Jul 22, 2005 11:23 am

My group is running Vault 3.0.1, and I'm wondering if there is any pressing reason to upgrade. I'd rather not go through the upgrade process if I don't have to. I saw some posts on here about a "race condition", but nothing that said what problems that caused.

Is 3.0.1 considered "too old", or will I be OK running it until 3.2 is released? At that point, we'll also be moving to VS 2005, so it will be worth the effort to get the integration improvements and stuff...


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Post by lbauer » Fri Jul 22, 2005 3:41 pm

The "race condition" caused users' databases to be unusable until we fixed them. I don't believe the race condition exists in 3.0.1, but I would encourage you to upgrade to Vault 3.0.7. We had a number of bug fixes since 3.0.1.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager
