Custom Transaction Notifications (other than Email)

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Custom Transaction Notifications (other than Email)

Post by jconley » Tue Jul 19, 2005 6:37 pm

I'd like to write plug-ins for both server and client side to enable transaction notifications through our IM software rather than through Email. Can someone point me in the right direction? :) I remember talking with someone via email a few months ago on this subject, but it looks like we're ready to put a little bit of time toward it and I'm sure things have changed since then.

Client Side
Ideally we could plug into the UI and put another tab on the bottom called "IM" to enable configuration just like the Email tab, but specifying an IM address instead of an Email address. Is this possible? Or, can we take over the Email tab and change it from "Email" to "IM"? :)

Server Side
Can we hook into the same configuration options that are used for Email and receive the same events based on changes to trees? We would then use the configured IM address to send out notifications, just like the Email component does. Is there any way to plug into the Vault admin tool to add in extra features for IM server configuration and such?

Thanks for any info!

JD Conley
Coversant Inc

Posts: 1821
Joined: Thu Dec 18, 2003 11:39 am
Location: Sourcegear

Post by jeremy_sg » Wed Jul 20, 2005 12:01 pm

This is partly possible, and partly impossible. There are no client side hooks to have another tab available. You could write your own plugin on the server side which would be notified of every completed transaction. You can find an example plugin at: ... 04/07.aspx

Customizing this example plugin will allow you to perform any operations you need, such as querying the Vault server, or sending instant messages. I would recommend keeping your IM settings and user mappings in the plugin.
