There is no direct support for firewalls/proxy servers in SourceOffSite.
However, SOS can work from behind a firewall. The SOS Server simply
listens on a port for incoming connections. We allow traffic on the
configured port in the SOS Server Manager to pass through the firewall,
as you may already allow for http, etc.
In order for SOS to work, your firewall must be configured to allow TCP
(not UDP) to pass on whichever port you specify in the SOS Server
Manager. This port does not necessarily need to be 8080, (the default).
However, the chosen port must be free of use by other applications.
In order for the Client to communicate with the Server, a clear path has
to be established in both directions:
Server -> Client
Client -> Server
This path can be established a number of ways, depending on the firewalls
between the two machines.
On the server-side, the firewall must allow communication from the Server
to pass outside the firewall. It also must allow communication from the
Client to pass to inside the firewall. This can be configured to any specified port.
Information must be able to transfer as follows:
Server/port 8080 --> | Firewall/port 8080 | --> Client
Information must also be able to transfer in the opposite direction as follows:
Server/port 8080 <-- | Firewall/port 8080 | <-- Client
On the client-side, the firewall MUST be configured to allow messages
to pass from the Client to outside the firewall. If messages are not allowed
to pass outside of the firewall, then SourceOffSite won't be able to work.
Using SourceOffSite through a firewall
Moderator: SourceGear
Using SourceOffSite through a firewall
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager
Technical Support Manager
This information from an SOS user with Norton Internet Security:
By default, Norton Internet Security uses a proxy server for port 8080 and the protocol you use between client and server doesn't pass as HTTP and hence NIS closes the connection. You can configure NIS to not consider 8080 to be an HTTP port or change the server port.
By default, Norton Internet Security uses a proxy server for port 8080 and the protocol you use between client and server doesn't pass as HTTP and hence NIS closes the connection. You can configure NIS to not consider 8080 to be an HTTP port or change the server port.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager
Technical Support Manager