Error creating window handle

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Error creating window handle

Post by tk » Tue Dec 21, 2004 2:09 pm

OS: win2k server sp4
.NET: 1.1 sp1
Vault client: 3.01

I am getting an error connecting to the vault server from the J++ ide:

"Error creating window handle"

I can launch the GUI client no problem but if I try to connect thru the J++ IDE, I get the error. A little msgbox pops up and the title is "SourceGear Vault". If you close the popup, it comes back endlessly until you kill the IDE task. I have no problems with the VB 6 IDE.

Also, we do not have problems with the J++ IDE and Vault 3.01 on other machines with XP Pro. The only problem we have is with a client installation of win2k server and J++.

We tried to reinstall the Vault 3.01 client, upgrade the .NET framework to sp1 and multiple reboots but nothing works.

Any ideas...? tracing I can enable...? The eventlog shows nothing.

Thank you for your help!


Posts: 2448
Joined: Wed Dec 17, 2003 5:03 pm
Location: SourceGear

Post by dan » Tue Dec 21, 2004 2:37 pm

The problem is probably that Vault only currently supports Visual Studio .Net 2003 and the VB and VC versions of VS6.

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