Are user options stored on server?

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Are user options stored on server?

Post by Nahum » Mon Nov 22, 2004 3:19 pm

I often work on projects from both work and home - on different desktop pc's. I'm using a thirdparty diff tool (BeyondCompare) which is installed to a different location on my work pc compared to my home pc. Vault (2.0.6) seems to store my options on the server including the path for BeyondCompare. So when I go home and try to do a diff I have to re-setup my diff tool, and then when I go back to work I have to do it again etc... Just annoying and silly. Is there a fix/work around for this?

Checkouts are based around username AND machine name/id why can't the options as well? What if I want to work with completely different options from home compared to work?

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Post by dan » Mon Nov 22, 2004 4:14 pm

Yes, the diff option should be a local machine option, and not a user option. We plan to change that in a future release.

However, the other user options for working style probably should remain as a user option and not a machine option. It isn't usually the case that one wants to work in CVS mode at home and VSS mode at work. If those were machine options, a user would have to set them up each time they start working on a new machine.

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Post by Nahum » Mon Nov 22, 2004 4:39 pm

Good to know it's on the list.


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Joined: Sat Mar 13, 2004 9:00 am

Post by GregM » Wed Nov 24, 2004 12:34 pm

I found this really annoying as well. I ended up reinstalling BeyondCompare on one of the machines so it was in the same location on both machines.

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Location: New Zealand

Post by Nahum » Mon Dec 06, 2004 3:23 am

GregM wrote:I found this really annoying as well. I ended up reinstalling BeyondCompare on one of the machines so it was in the same location on both machines.
Yeah, I'm being driven even more batty because of this, my work machine is a completely different setup to my home one. Client application options should be unique to the user+machine and stored on the machine. I want my work machine to store _sg* folders in with the working folders and my home machine to store them within AppData. And I can't do this. Really silly. Actually I'd rather not in AppData but somewhere else that I specify on a different drive to that which windows is installed to!

I'm almost at the point of creating a second account for use at home, but then I'd have to seek approvial to purchase more licenses....

