Migrating SourceOffSite

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Migrating SourceOffSite

Post by TomWest » Wed Sep 21, 2016 12:27 pm

We migrated both our VSS file server to a 64-bit sever and our SourceOffSite server to a VM running 32-bit Windows 7 running on the file server.

Unfortunately, when we try and start the SOSServer service, we see the following message in the log:

21/09/2016 12:18:20 PM - Invalid SourceSafe Initialization file
21/09/2016 12:18:20 PM - Invalid or no databases to support.
21/09/2016 12:18:20 PM - Error starting up server. Stopping now....

(1) Does this mean that SOS successfully found the srcsafe.ini file, but does not like what we found in it?
(2) The only three lines of srcsafe.ini that seem even slightly problematic are:

Web_Service = http://AJBDR.tor.ajbsoftware.com/Source ... rvice.asmx
DownloadVDir = VssDownload_db1
UploadVDir = VssUpload_db1

Does SOS depend on any of these three settings?

For our Windows machines, we are successfully using VSS on the new server through Visual SourceSafe and VS 2005 (we use SOS for our one Linux machine).

Many thanks,
Tom West

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Re: Migrating SourceOffSite

Post by Beth » Wed Sep 21, 2016 3:40 pm

Open the SourceOffSite Server Manager and add a VSS database to its list of databases. After that, then you can start the service.
Beth Kieler
SourceGear Technical Support

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