I just upgraded my Vault client from 2.0.5 to 2.0.6, and it went smoothly, except for one thing. At one point in the install, there was a checkbox to make Vault the default source control provider. I did not check it, because Vault was already the default provider. The next time I opened Visual Studio, it used SourceSafe.
This isn't a really big deal, but I thought I'd point it out. If the user doesn't check the box, the installer should leave the setting alone. If the user is already using Vault, keep using Vault. If they are using SourceSafe, keep using that. The only time anything should change is if the user checks the box - at that point, it should set the default provider to Vault.
Just my 2 cents. (-:
Vault Install Suggestion
Moderator: SourceGear