This bulletin board supports RSS feeds for those who would like to monitor the discussions using an aggregator. The main URL for the feed is:
The resulting RSS file will contain the most recent postings from all forums on this site.
If you want to limit the postings to just one particular forum, you can specify this by including a variable at the end of the URL. Be warned that this capability is a bit unfriendly to those who are not comfortable fiddling with URLs: The name of the variable is f and its value must be set to the "forum ID". You can get the forum ID for a particular forum by clicking on that forum from the main home page of the site and then looking at the value of f in the resulting URL. For example, if you start at the home page for and then click on the forum for the Vault Knowledge Base, you will see that forum, and the URL in your browser should display:
Thus indicating that the forum ID for this forum is 13. So, you can construct an RSS feed for this forum as follows:
If you are new to the world of RSS, let me assure you that it's worth giving it a try. By using an RSS aggregator, I can stay in touch with dozens of websites every day much more easily than I could by using a browser alone.
There are lots of RSS aggregators available. For the moment, I will simply mention three which are popular and which are used by various people here at SourceGear:
NewsGator is an aggregator that works within Outlook. Very nice app. $29.
FeedDemon is highly regarded by its users. $29.95.
SharpReader is an excellent aggregator which is free.
RSS feeds
Moderator: SourceGear
RSS feeds
Eric Sink
Software Craftsman
Software Craftsman