\\\\<path configured for VSS database>\\srcsafe.ini do

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\\\\<path configured for VSS database>\\srcsafe.ini do

Post by DonArmino » Thu Aug 05, 2004 8:36 am

I have this problem with V4:

4/12/2004 3:37:09 PM - Number of licenses configured: 10
4/12/2004 3:37:09 PM - \\\\<path configured for VSS database>\\srcsafe.ini does not exist! :cry:
4/12/2004 3:37:09 PM - Invalid or no databases to support.
4/12/2004 3:37:09 PM - Error starting up server. Stopping now....

The parallel installed V3.5 is working fine. Can I buy some old licenses?


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Post by lbauer » Fri Aug 06, 2004 11:00 pm

When you install the SOS Server, by default it uses the System account for the SOS Server Service. Most likely, this account isn't able to connect to the VSS database.

See this KB article for info on how to change this configuration:


You can buy SOS 3.5 licenses from this link if you decide not to use SOS 4.0:

https://store.sourcegear.com/sgstore/or ... amily=sos3
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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