IIS 6.0 Settings for Vault

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IIS 6.0 Settings for Vault

Post by bcromwell » Tue Jul 27, 2004 6:26 pm

I installed Vault on a Windows 2003 machine with IIS 6.0. I installed the VaultService folders under my "Internal" website (which I will eventually put internal use only applications). Now, I can get to the Vault website (which is behind a firewall) after I VPN using the standard Microsoft VPN setup by entering

I can download the Admin Tool, the client, and the help files. But, when I try to go to the web client (, I get the following message in an "OK" window:
Internet Explorer cannot download login.aspx form

Internet Explorer was not able to open this Internet site. The requested site is either unavailable or cannot be found. Please try again later.

I imagine that this is a problem with my IIS 6.0 security settings, but have not been able to locate it. Can you help point me in the right direction?

Thank you,
Brian Cromwell

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Post by jclausius » Tue Jul 27, 2004 8:50 pm

A couple of suggestions:

Did you enable the Application server to be used within IIS?

Did you by chance install a version of MS .Net framework?

Is there anything in the Knowledge Base which would apply to your setup?
Jeff Clausius

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Post by jclausius » Tue Jul 27, 2004 8:59 pm

One other thing to note:

There are Application Pool settings in IIS 6.0 which causes IIS to recycle all Web Services / Web Apps.

I would carefully examine the recycling settings under IIS 6.0's Application Pool on the Vault Server. For Vault optimal performance, you should configure the App Pool to reduce the number of restarts initiated by IIS.
Jeff Clausius

Posts: 3
Joined: Thu May 20, 2004 12:44 pm

Post by bcromwell » Wed Jul 28, 2004 8:02 am

Thank you very much for you prompt and accurate reply. I found my problem with the Step three of the of the first link you referenced (make sure IIS is configured to allow ASP.Net pages to be processed). Once I allowed this, I was able to connect. I will continue to verify the other steps that you included to make sure nothing else comes back to bite me later.

Thank you
Brian Cromwell
