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Export a whole repository?

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 12:18 pm
by portablenut

I wonder if you provide and tools or directions for how one could export a whole Vault repository, that is file contents, user, date etc for each transaction that has been committed? I've been playing around with the vault integration api, but it's pretty slow just fetching the transaction details. Fetching all the file contents will take a very, very long time.


Re: Export a whole repository?

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 1:00 pm
by lbauer
Vault (version 3.5.x and later) has a folder export/import tool. It's in the Vault Client directory and it's called VaultFolderExportImport.exe. Documentation is in ExportImport.chm in the same directory.

The ExportImport tool can export an entire repository including files and history, if you select the root folder. The result is an .vfe file when then can be imported into a different repository or database.

Note: because it's recreating all history, it can take a while. Also, any obliterate operations can cause the export to fail, since historical transactions are missing.

Re: Export a whole repository?

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 12:51 am
by portablenut
Hi again

Sorry, I should have stated my purpose more clearly. I want to export parts of a source gear repository to a different source control system altogether. Looking at the contents of the .vfe file it seems to be a proprietary format, or is there any documentation for it?


Re: Export a whole repository?

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 4:28 pm
by lbauer
Yes, the .vfe is just for importing into Vault. Sorry, we don't have an export to other systems.

You would need use the client api or command line client to get folder versions from history and add them a version at a time to the new location. You are correct that this could take a long time, depending on how many versions you have. Another option would be to start fresh and just do a GET of the latest code and add it as version one to the new system.