Could not map path to anything useful

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Could not map path to anything useful

Post by rktn » Thu Aug 12, 2010 12:26 pm


I am using Eclipse version 3.4.2 with the SourceGear vault plug-in version 5.0.4. I seem to be having some type of pathing problem between Eclipse and the vault. I can start up Eclipse and seemingly connect to the vault (I get no login errors) but every file comes up Read Only and if I look at the vault properties of any file it says "Could not map path to anything useful: C:\eclipse3.4\workspace\...\

I read one post on this forum where someone else had this problem and they claimed that they were able to fix it by changing the pathing from a \ to a /. I have looked everywhere I can think in Eclipse and Vault Client and I haven't found anything even remotely close to a vault path.

Any help would be greatly appreciated,

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Re: Could not map path to anything useful

Post by Beth » Thu Aug 12, 2010 4:13 pm

Is this set up on a Windows machine or a Mac?

Do you have just the Vault Eclipse plug-in installed or both the plug-in and a Vault GUI client?

Does C:\eclipse3.4\workspace\...\ exist on your disk?

There was an older thread where that error came up when a user was using Spotfire as well as our Eclipse plug-in. Do you use Spotfire?
Beth Kieler
SourceGear Technical Support

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