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ProcessCommandListChangeset shows all files modified

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 2:21 pm
by smartbear
We have a customer who says all their files (or many more than expected) are showing as modified. We're calling ProcessCommandListChangeset to enumerate these changes. The log file from the Vault API is attached. We're calling ProcessCommandListChangeset at 1:25:34 in the log file, and it runs until 1:26:17. Can you tell why this is happening?


Re: ProcessCommandListChangeset shows all files modified

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 3:04 pm
by Beth
Vault will look at the timestamp of the file to determine whether the file was modified. The first thing to check is what is changing your timestamps.

If you don't want it to use timestamps, then you would set Vault to use CRCs to determine changes. That setting can be changed in the Vault GUI client under Tools - Options - Local Files.

Re: ProcessCommandListChangeset shows all files modified

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 12:35 pm
by smartbear

I don't think the customer's timestamps have changed on these files. The Vault GUI client is working as expected - showing only changed files, regardless of whether the Detect using CRCs option is selected.

However, the API is returning all files in the returned list of changed files. The customer does have the Detect using CRCs option set checked (for files smaller than 10MB, which these are).


Re: ProcessCommandListChangeset shows all files modified

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2010 2:09 pm
by Beth
Can you clarify for me a bit more?

Is every file and folder listed when you use the API ProcessCommandListChangeset?

What happens if they run LISTFOLDER from the command line client? Information on that command can be found here: ... LISTFOLDER. Does it also list every file?

An example might be C:\Program Files\SourceGear\Vault Client\vault LISTFODER -host yourVaultserver -user yourlogin -password password -repository "Default Repository" $/MyProject.