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ProcessCommandHistory datesort option doesnt work right

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 10:42 am
by itsckl
I am trying to retrieve a recursive history from a project that I have imported from VSS (not using hand-off but the vault port tool). I am using this call:

h = ServerOperations.ProcessCommandHistory(objectPath, recursive, DateSortOption.desc, null, null, null, null, beginLabel, endLabel, -1, -1, 10000);

What I get is the history, but it is not sorted by date (as suggested by the 3rd argument). When I mimic the same with the vault GUI client, the result is not sorted either. So I thought I could sort it myself using one of the properties of VaultHistoryItem. Unfortunately, there is no useful value available. The TxDate member is set correct, however, it is probably not what I am looking for. The LabelDate member is always July first, 1850. So it is probably not useful either.

Any suggestion how to get at a sorted history?

Thanks, Christoph

Re: ProcessCommandHistory datesort option doesnt work right

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 12:49 pm
by jeremy_sg
What you're seeing is a limitation of our VSS import. The import must do the transactions out of order, since VSS has no concept of a "folder version". The history from VSS will always be out of order when viewed in Vault, but every checkin will have the correct date. Future commits in Vault will be ordered correctly. This limitation only applies to imported VSS data.

If you want to sort the history manually, the TxDate is the field to sort by.

Re: ProcessCommandHistory datesort option doesnt work right

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 7:30 am
by itsckl
thanks for the great support btw

:-) Christoph