Command Line checkout over share

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Command Line checkout over share

Post by grantm » Tue Feb 24, 2009 6:35 am


We are currently using SVN and are reviewing Fortress as a replacement.

We have a large web farm with multiple people managing content across our various websites.
We allow people to make content changes over a network share so they can preview there changes running on an IIS web server.
They do this by obtaining an SVN lock on the file share, making there changes, and then commiting this file over the share once again.

I am trying to mimic this by using the Vault.exe command line to checkout a file which is on another server.
On the server I "Get Latest Version" into my vault workspace. I then share this folder.
I then from another computer try run Vault commands to checkout these files, but this is not working.

I am receiving the following error:

Code: Select all

    <exception>System.Exception: Could not map path to anything useful: default.aspx
   at VaultClientIntegrationLib.RepositoryUtil.FindVaultTreeObjectAtReposOrLocalPath(String testPath)
   at VaultClientIntegrationLib.RepositoryUtil.MatchWildcardToTreeObjects(String repositoryPath)
   at VaultClientIntegrationLib.ServerOperations.ProcessCommandCheckout(String[] objectPaths, Boolean checkoutExclusive, Boolean getLatest, GetOptions
   at VaultCmdLineClient.VaultCmdLineClient.ProcessCommand(Args curArg)
   at VaultCmdLineClient.VaultCmdLineClient.Main(String[] args)</exception>
Running this same command while logged onto the actual server works perfectly.
The command is:

Code: Select all

vault checkout default.aspx -user user -password pass -host server -repository "Initial Repository"
In command line i am in the same folder as the default.aspx file.

Can fortress/vault work this way?

Thanks for any help on this

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Re: Command Line checkout over share

Post by lbauer » Tue Feb 24, 2009 5:03 pm

I could use more information/clarification on these steps. Email support at, Attn: Linda. Please include your phone number and a link to this forum post.

I'll give you a call.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

Posts: 5
Joined: Tue Feb 24, 2009 6:25 am

Re: Command Line checkout over share

Post by grantm » Thu Feb 26, 2009 1:21 am


I sent that email through yesterday morning.
Can you tell me if it was received


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Re: Command Line checkout over share

Post by lbauer » Thu Feb 26, 2009 8:45 am

Yes, I've tried to call, but the time difference is about 8 hours, so I'm just getting to the office when you're gone. I'll send you some additional questions via email.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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Location: SourceGear

Re: Command Line checkout over share

Post by lbauer » Thu Feb 26, 2009 8:59 am

Ok, I was able to reproduce the same error you got when I ran this script:

vault checkout somefile.txt -user user -password pass -host server -repository "RepositoryName"

You need to specify where in the repository tree the folder is:

vault checkout $/FolderA/somefile.txt -user user -password pass -host server -repository "RepositoryName"

Does that help? If not, I'm still sending you some questions so I can understand the steps you described above.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

Posts: 5
Joined: Tue Feb 24, 2009 6:25 am

Re: Command Line checkout over share

Post by grantm » Sun Mar 01, 2009 10:31 pm

Hi Linda,

I have returned you mail, let's try continue that way


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