Renaming Files within VS 2003 Causes Major Problems

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Renaming Files within VS 2003 Causes Major Problems

Post by jdieter » Mon Feb 16, 2009 9:01 am

When renaming checked out files in VS 2003 SP 1 it does not update Fortress. This causes a dialog box to continually appear requesting to save the files.
We don't seem to have this problem with VS 2005 +. We usually have to remove the renamed files from Fortress and check in the new files. Is there anything that we are doing wrong or just missing something simple here. We would expect that the changes should refactor to the fortress when renaming takes place.

Our server and clients are running 1.1.4 (18402).

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Re: Renaming Files within VS 2003 Causes Major Problems

Post by lbauer » Mon Feb 16, 2009 11:14 am

The behavior you are seeing is typical of the Classic (or MSSCCI) integration client, which is the only one available for VS 2003. VS 2005 has the option to use the Enhanced Client integration, which handles this much better.

Basically, when you rename files in the working folder, MSSCCI doesn't know that these were the ones under source control. When you check them in/add them to source control, they're treated like new files, without source code history.

Here are some blogs that provide workarounds on how to handle this in VS 2003. ... 54159.aspx ... Rename.htm
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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