Item Tracking displays cached data

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Item Tracking displays cached data

Post by nicolael » Wed Aug 27, 2008 1:51 pm

This below issue came into my attention after changing the initial 'Item Tracking' item: 'Project 1' to ‘Project 2' in an open form, then I accidentally clicked the browser's Back button.

If you click go back & go forward arrow buttons while a bug form is opened, you can see that
the last Item Tracking selection prior submitting the bug (Project 2) is retained along with the old selection (Project 1\Add Item)

At this point if you submit the bug, the form closes in Mozilla Firefox and it seems that all changes are discarded.

In IE7 the behaviour is different; the web form is checking for the missing fields but it does not detect the 'Item Tracking' inconsistency from top.

Which browsers are supported (recommended) for Fortress Version

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Re: Item Tracking displays cached data

Post by Beth » Fri Aug 29, 2008 1:13 pm

I tried to reproduce what you described with FireFox and was unable to. Until the change is actually committed, the top box for which project it belongs to should stay the same. Even if you do commit it, when you hit the back button, it returns to the page where things were exactly. I couldn't make FireFox crash. Does this happen every time? Do you have an error in either your Event Viewer Logs or the server logs for Fortress?
Beth Kieler
SourceGear Technical Support

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