Problem connecting to Vault from Australia

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Problem connecting to Vault from Australia

Post by dking513 » Tue Jan 04, 2005 7:05 pm

I have been using Vault successfully from the U.S. for quite some time now without issue. I have just arrived in Australia, where I will be for 3 months, and cannot connect to my Vault server.

I am running version 2.0.6 (server and client), and connecting through a VPN. My computer is running XP SP2

In an attempt to debug, I downloaded your version 3.0.1 client and attempted to connect to your demo server. This was also unsuccessful. The GUI displays "Connecting to server...", but after 15 minutes is still not connected and I have to kill the program.

I have remoted to my office computer in the US and verfied that it was able to connect to the Vault server without a problem.

Any ideas?

Dave King

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Post by jclausius » Tue Jan 04, 2005 9:06 pm


On cases like this, I like to always start at the beginning...

Assuming no proxy servers / firewalls, with a browser try to access the server's web service page - https://machine.domain.dom/vaultservice ... rvice.asmx.

Can you access this through a normal browsing session?

If you need to gain access through the proxy / firewall, have you configured the Vault client with these settings?
Jeff Clausius

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Post by jeremy_sg » Wed Jan 05, 2005 9:31 am

Also, XP SP2 installs Windows Firewall, and you will need to make sure that it is allowing outside connections to your desktop.

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Browser check is successful

Post by dking513 » Thu Jan 06, 2005 9:22 pm

I can browse the web service page without any issues.
I have turned off the XP SP2 personal firewall.
Everything (client and server) is in the same configuration they were when everything was working fine before I left the US.

What else can I do to debug?

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Post by jeremy_sg » Thu Jan 06, 2005 9:51 pm

I've attached a simple connection test app. Try using it to connect to your desktop and to Let me know how it fails.
(123.16 KiB) Downloaded 908 times

Don Thimsen
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Post by Don Thimsen » Thu Jan 06, 2005 10:04 pm


A long shot, but try lowering your MTU value on your network card to something like 1002. The easy way is to download DRTCP from:

Real bummer being halfway around the world and then finding out something doesn't work.


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Error Message

Post by dking513 » Thu Jan 06, 2005 10:39 pm

Thanks for the quick reply.

The connection test executable just hangs, but I ran it in the IDE and captured a screenshot of the error message.

I have a VB .Net app that uses the Vault API, and when I run it in the debugger it throws the same error when calling the .Init method for the ClientInstance object.

Don: thanks for the MTU suggestion. I tried that and saw no change.

As for being stuck halfway around the world, it could be worse. I mean, really, how much are you guys enjoying winter? :-)

What are my next steps?
Vault Error Screenshot.JPG
Error message from connection test
Vault Error Screenshot.JPG (205.89 KiB) Viewed 12141 times

Posts: 48
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Forgot to mention...

Post by dking513 » Thu Jan 06, 2005 10:44 pm

I forgot to mention that I get the same error when trying to connect to the demo vault server.

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Post by dking513 » Thu Jan 06, 2005 11:22 pm

Doing a google search on:

"An operation on a socket could not be performed because the system lacked sufficient buffer space or because a queue was full"

pointed me to a microsoft KB article ( ... -us;815209) titled:
BUG: You receive a "The operation has timed-out" error message when you access a Web service or when you use the IPAddress class

Running enum.exe as described in the article told me I have 57 providers - microsoft says that over 50 causes problems.

I followed their directions to "view hidden items" in the device manager and I removed a couple network adapters (let's hope I didn't need those!)...
Running enum.exe again told me I was down to 49 providers.

Vault now connects successfully both through the GUI and through my .Net app.

While I thought that nothing had changed on the client between here and the US, I must have somehow installed something that added network adapters. Nothing comes to mind though...

Thanks for getting me pointed in the right direction.

Perhaps a request for vault "enhancement" would be some better error handling during startup. Vault is a really great application - it seems a shame that this error caused it to hang (forcing the dreaded ctrl-alt-delete) instead of generating a error message that might have more quickly facilitated this google search.

Don Thimsen
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Post by Don Thimsen » Fri Jan 07, 2005 6:52 am


Good find!

Do you really have that many adapters??? You might want to check for a spyware infestation that adds hooks to the TCP/IP stack. Do a Start>Run>MSINFO32. Then, expand Components>Network>Adapter. You should have 10-12 entries in the list for your adapter.

There was an article in PC Magazine last fall where one of their editors writes about TCP/IP connection problems during a vacation. See:,1759,1641363,00.asp

Turned out spyware had added too many routines to intercept TCP/IP. Looks like MS has a cleanup routine - the two KB articles are 811259 and 299257.


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Post by jeremy_sg » Fri Jan 07, 2005 10:29 am

Dave and Don,

Thanks for tracking this down. With Vault 3.0.2, The first connection to the server will timeout after 90 seconds, instead of the usual 2 hour timeout. The error dialog will link to a KB article on this at ... was%20full

I'm sure lots of people will run into this in the future, and hopefully, they'll track it down easier. Thanks again!
