InstallShield Developer 8.0 SP2 and Vault 2.0.0

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InstallShield Developer 8.0 SP2 and Vault 2.0.0

Post by Guest » Wed Feb 25, 2004 9:27 am

We used InstallShield source control integration without any issues with Vault 1.1.2. It no longer seems to work after the upgrade to Vault 2.0.0.

Here's what we do:

* Open the InstallShield IDE, open the project
* Select Project => Source Control => Check Out
* An InstallShield error message pops up saying "86: Error in Exporting Table(s)"
* Check out appears to partially succeed after this, with some .idt files checked out and some not
* An attempt to build results in "ISDEV : fatal error -5036: Internal build error"

Is there anything we can do to resolve this? We use InstallShield extensively and having Vault work with it is critical for us.


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Post by dan » Wed Feb 25, 2004 11:26 am

There was another thread in vault-list awhile back that Vault 1.2 didn't work with InstallShield either.

I must re-iterate that the only supported IDEs for Vault are Visual Studio.Net, Visual Basic 6, and Visual C++ 6.

That said, we don't try to gratuitously not work with other IDEs, it is just that we don't test on any others. The MCSCCI interface is very brittle and error prone - even among the Visual Studio products, the calling sequences into Vault can vary quite widely, which causes no end to headaches when trying to address problems that exist in one IDE but not another.

Nonetheless, we try not to go backwards in funcionality from one release to another, so I will add this as an official bug in our system, and we'll investigate it after we release 2.0.1.[/i]


Post by Daniel » Wed Mar 31, 2004 9:53 am

Is this still a feature being looked into? We use InstallShield's DevStudio 9 and use SourceSafe for version control. It is 'nice' to have version control from the IDE but not a critical issue. It falls into that 'warm' to 'less than critical' area. It won't affect our purchasing/Not purchasing Vault decision. Just starting to test it for our needs.

Best regards,

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Joined: Wed Dec 17, 2003 5:03 pm
Location: SourceGear

Post by dan » Wed Mar 31, 2004 8:54 pm

If I remember right, it seemed to work after a few tries for the user who was on InstallShield 8. There was a problem in upgrading the install shield project from Vault 1.2 to Vault 2.0, but after refreshing bindings, it appeared to go smoothly after that.

I'd just go ahead and try it, and see how it goes :)

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