Unable to upgrade/DB errors

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Unable to upgrade/DB errors

Post by J3POSSUPPORT » Mon Nov 20, 2023 4:05 pm

Good afternoon,

We are starting to have issues with DB Errors, and after doing some digging, I have found that we are at the max DB size for SQLEXPRESS.
We have a copy of SQL Server 2019 Standard Edition available to us and was wondering if Vault Pro is compatible with it.
If so, what is the process to move from SQLExpress to standard SQL?

Also, I am having issues upgrading to the latest version of Vault Pro. We are currently on, and when I try to upgrade to the next version, the installer fails with the following error "There is a problem with this Windows Installer Package. A script required for this install to complete could not be run."

Any assistance you can provide is greatly appreciated.

K. Weaver
Ganymede Technologies

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Re: Unable to upgrade/DB errors

Post by Tonya » Tue Nov 21, 2023 8:11 am


Vault Pro 10.x is compatible with SQL Server 2019. Here is a link to the Vault compatibility chart if you have more concerns:

http://sourcegear.com/vault/documentati ... chart.html

In order to transition from SQL Server Express to SQL Server 2019, you will need to backup your Vault databases using SQL Server Mgt and then restore the databases with the new SQL Server. You will also need to reinstall your Vault Server. Here is a link to a KB article we have with more details:


In regards to the application issue, my first suggestion is to download the binaries again from our website directly on to the machine where you will be performing the install. Then execute the installer from a command prompt.

Run a command-prompt as administrator. Change directories to the location of the Vault client and run the command:

msiexec /i "vault installer name.msi"

Replace "vault installer name.msi" with the correct installer name.

Please let me know if you continue to experience an issue or if you have any more questions.


Tonya Nunn

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