Select multiple peerless files to copy

Support for our DiffMerge utility.

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Select multiple peerless files to copy

Post by guyr » Tue Sep 10, 2013 1:04 am

I've just started using DiffMerge; thanks for such a great, clear diff and merge tool

I compared two directories, and knew that some files were in one but not the other. I discovered (without reading, of course :) that the peerless icon was my ticket to seeing the files present on one side but not the other. I then found via right click that I could move a file from right to left. Unfortunately, I had about 30 files to copy, and the folder diff window would only allow me to select one at a time, so this took awhile. Furthermore, all the files I needed to copy were at the bottom of the list, but DiffMerge would redraw the window and scroll to the top after each copy. I'd like to suggest a couple improvements:

(1) Allow selection of multiple files in the folder diff view

(2) Add an icon to the top row to "copy to right", similar to what is in the file diff view. I got a little tired of having to right click on each of the 30 files.

(3) Try to maintain scroll position after a copy.


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Re: Select multiple peerless files to copy

Post by lbauer » Thu Sep 12, 2013 7:35 am

Thanks for the suggestions!

We'll pass them on to our developers.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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Re: Select multiple peerless files to copy

Post by mammolastan » Wed Jul 09, 2014 6:54 am

Hi there - I came across this post when trying to find out if I can select multiple entries in DiffMerge.

Is there a way to do so?

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Re: Select multiple peerless files to copy

Post by sierramike » Tue Nov 24, 2020 2:50 am

Hi there,

Just had the same thought, I was surprised it was not possible to select multiple files at a time to copy from a pane to another, then felt on this post. You said you send that to the developers, is that still in the backlog?

Shouldn't be a huge feature to implement ...

Anyways, thanks for this useful tool!

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Re: Select multiple peerless files to copy

Post by Tonya » Wed Nov 25, 2020 8:18 am


Thank you for your input. This feature has not yet been implemented but is still be considered for a future release.


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Re: Select multiple peerless files to copy

Post by rauven » Tue Nov 02, 2021 8:46 am

I know this is a free program so we shouldn't be too demanding but still, this post is almost 8 years old and not implementing this is such a dealbreaker...

You guys didn't even needed to do the whole thing, as even a small fix would make a huge difference:
  • Stop it from scrolling you back to the top every time you copy the file
  • Keep the list redraw/scroll issue but at least let us select and copy multiple files
  • Leave it as it is but allow us to sort and show all the files of one of the sides first to save us a lot of scrolling down
  • Leave it as it is but but let us filter out the files
I downloaded this program to merge 2 different versions of a project that didin't had git enabled, i literally have hundreds of files that i want to move around and sadly this program ends up being useless, its literally faster to go folder by folder and manually drag and merge the folders than to use a program that was dedicated to this exact work...

Really, every time i copy a file, it literally takes me 5-10 seconds to scroll down and find the next file... now do that hundreds of times...

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Re: Select multiple peerless files to copy

Post by Tonya » Wed Nov 03, 2021 2:48 pm

Thank you to everyone who has provided us with feedback. I will make sure to pass along these requests to our development team. New features and bug fixes are typically prioritized by customer demand and the significance of the issue. I will add your vote to this request.


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