Server side logging clarification

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Server side logging clarification

Post by TaylinAnderson » Tue Apr 21, 2020 1:29 pm

I am currently troubleshooting performance issues and I have a question about the server side sgvault logs. In the log below, am I correct in assuming that user1 started to download FileA from the Vault server at 2:40:59 and completed the download 21 seconds later at 2:41:20? Or are these logs meant to show the time spent retrieving data from the vaults' DB?

----4/21/2020 2:40:59 PM user1--...--SSL Enabled Downloading delta for $/FileA from 0 to 4206709
----4/21/2020 2:40:59 PM user1--...--SSL Enabled DB: GetDeltaChainForFullFile started.
----4/21/2020 2:41:20 PM user1--...--SSL Enabled DB: GetDeltaChainForFullFile finished.
----4/20/2020 11:17:07 PM user2--...--SSL Enabled Downloading delta for $/FileA from 0 to 4206709
----4/20/2020 11:17:07 PM user2--...--SSL Enabled DB: GetDeltaChainForFullFile started.
----4/20/2020 11:18:18 PM user2--...--SSL Enabled DB: GetDeltaChainForFullFile finished.

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Re: Server side logging clarification

Post by Tonya » Tue Apr 21, 2020 2:56 pm


The Vault Server log entry you are referring to is showing the amount of time it took to retrieve a a set of File Deltas (going from version 0 to an internal object-version number of 4206709) from the database. This information does not indicate how fast the client was able to retrieve the file. A client-side log (%Temp%\VaultGUIclient.txt) would provide you with that information.

What Vault version do you currently have installed? If you're not currently using Vault 10.x, I would highly recommend upgrading. We've made a lot of improvements over the past several releases in regards to performance issues.



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Re: Server side logging clarification

Post by TaylinAnderson » Wed Apr 29, 2020 11:36 am

The logs I posted earlier are from our Vault 10.0.2 instance.

Currently some of our users in south america and china are seeing much slower download speeds when connecting to our new Vault 10 instance compared to our old Vault 7 instance.

You say the logs I posted earlier will give the time it takes the Vault server to retrieve the file deltas from the database. Is there a reason why we would consistently see longer retrieve times for users from certain regions?

For example in the logs above, user1 is a user living in North America and the vault server took only 21 seconds to retrieve the deltas from our DB. user2 is a user from china and our server took over a minute to retrieve those same deltas.

At first I believed this was a network issue, but if I understand correctly from these logs, the vault server itself is taking longer to finish DB interactions for certain users.

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Re: Server side logging clarification

Post by Tonya » Wed Apr 29, 2020 2:45 pm

Hello again,

There are many scenarios that could cause the delays and differences you are reporting. For example, if the Vault Server is being heavily used during the time User 2 was retrieving the file, there will be more of a delay. If there's a backup being ran on the database or if there is an antivirus running on the Vault Server at that time, this will impact performance as well.

We recommend looking over the KB article we have in regards to maintaining your Vault database (this can help with performance issues):


You may find this one helpful as well:




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Re: Server side logging clarification

Post by TaylinAnderson » Thu Apr 30, 2020 1:19 pm

Thanks for the links.

I did some of the recommended cleanup steps for our DB but performance remains the same. (quick for north america, slow for south america/china)

There is nothing in the articles that I could find which would shed any light on why DB interaction times would vary depending on the location of the user making the request.

The Vault 10 server is only being used by our UAT testers, usually there is only one person attempting a download at a time. There were no backup's being run on our DB either. The performance issues we see are consistent regardless of when the users begin the download.

Is there anything else that I might try? The tester in north america is using the admin account to do his downloads. Would that impact performance in any way?

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Re: Server side logging clarification

Post by Tonya » Thu Apr 30, 2020 2:02 pm

Hello again,

If you'd like, you can send us your Vault Server log. We can take a look at it to see if we can find anything pointing to a possible delay.

The Vault Server log is in %windir%\temp\sgvault\sgvault.log on the server machine. Please send it to



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