FailDBInsert on ShowLabels (v 2.0.6)

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FailDBInsert on ShowLabels (v 2.0.6)

Post by ctacke » Mon Nov 08, 2004 4:53 pm

I'm getting a FailDBInsert on ShowLabels or Label with version 2.0.6. I believe I got a label import error when pulling the DB from VSS.

I searched the archives first and saw that Topic 1202 had this issue and it was fixed in 2.0.4.

Of course I'd like to be able to re-pull the labels without reimporting everything, or the ability to manually "fix" the error when it occurs, but if nothing else, just have it drop the label in question.


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Post by jclausius » Tue Nov 09, 2004 8:53 am


Can you post or email me any db errors reported in your server's sgvault.log file?

Also, are you running with Folder security enabled and does any part of the label's structure contain shared folders?
Jeff Clausius

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