filters? markers? 10 second code changes?

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filters? markers? 10 second code changes?

Post by suggestion » Mon May 27, 2019 12:27 am

Without looking at the code I am pretty sure the list components you are using support a filter or you can pass a matcher into the list code or in 1 line of code you can do an on change to build a regex and allow a text entry field to filter through matches by file type in real time

that's 10 seconds

I am pretty sure whatever UIkits you're using have a checkbox, adding a checkbox column type is another 10 seconds and allows people to filter and remember their place in session (when checking things)

there's even a space for it on the right. don't make me use whiteboard markers on my screen. again.

finally, some 120+ second changes - take some data from the initial filescan you do - like a filesize delta, and slap that shizzle on the orderable columns. now you can order by most changed files

this is great when opening up a load of dusty old projects

140 seconds, wew lads, why not add them? i'd add them if it was open source, and I am super lazy

tl'dr [*.java] / [X] / ▴▾ fsᵟ
🍌 for scale

neato app but c'mon laddies. thanks

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Re: filters? markers? 10 second code changes?

Post by Tonya » Tue May 28, 2019 10:11 am

Thank you for the input! I have logged your suggestions as feature requests to be considered in a future DiffMerge release.


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