Getting started with Vault Visual Studio Clients

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Getting started with Vault Visual Studio Clients

Post by Beth » Thu Apr 20, 2017 3:27 pm

Getting started with Vault Visual Studio Clients(Classic, Enhanced, and Extension)

Note: This article applies both to Vault Standard and Vault Professional.

Project Layout and its effect: Even though it's an article on binding and rebinding, the layout affects the projects when you start as well in the same manner described in that article.

Installation Adding Visual Studio projects to Vault Opening a Solution or Project From Vault That Was Bound by Another User What to do if you added with the Vault GUI Client first Other Additional information on Binding and Rebinding can be found in this KB article: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=18956. The sections on the Vault Enhanced Client also pertain to the Vault VS 2017 Extension.
Beth Kieler
SourceGear Technical Support

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Re: Getting started with Vault Visual Studio Clients

Post by Beth » Thu Apr 20, 2017 3:59 pm

Installing the Vault Enhanced and Classic clients in VS 2005 - VS 2017

Classic Client

In all versions of Visual Studio from VS 2005 - VS 2017 and in SQL Server Management Studio the Vault Classic Client automatically installs when the Vault Windows GUI client is installed.

Enhanced Client

In versions of Visual Studio from VS 2005 - VS 2015 the Vault Visual Studio Enhanced Client automatically installs when the Vault Windows GUI client is installed. This client cannot automatically install in VS 2017 and later. For VS 2017 install the Vault VS Extension.

Choosing the Client

To set the Classic Client or the Vault Enhanced Clients, go to Tools - Options - Source Control - Plugins.
Select Plugin VS 2015.JPG
Select Plugin VS 2015.JPG (54.08 KiB) Viewed 49909 times
Beth Kieler
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Re: Getting started with Vault Visual Studio Clients

Post by Beth » Thu Apr 20, 2017 4:00 pm

Installing the Visual Studio 2017 Extension

Users who already used Vault prior to VS 2017 may be looking for the Vault Enhanced Client. The Vault Enhanced Client cannot be installed the same way as it was in VS 2005 to VS 2015, therefore the Vault Visual Studio 2017 Extension was created. This provides the same functionality as the Vault Enhanced Client, and works the same way after it is installed.

There are two ways you can install the Vault Visual Studio Extension

Method 1 - Microsoft Marketplace

Open Visual Studio. Go to Tools - Extensions and Updates. Click on Online on the left side and search for Vault. The extensions for Vault Standard and Vault Professional will show.
pic 14 VS install.JPG
pic 14 VS install.JPG (46.75 KiB) Viewed 49868 times
Click on the desired extension, and click Download. Close Visual Studio. The installation will not start until VS is closed.

The installer will pop-up a window that shows you what is being installed and prompts to approve the modification.
pic 15 VSIX installer.JPG
pic 15 VSIX installer.JPG (26.9 KiB) Viewed 49868 times
When the installation is complete, click Close.

Method 2 - Direct Download from SourceGear

To install the extension, download the Visual Studio 2017 Extension from the corresponding version of Vault, Professional or Standard.
pic 1 download extension.JPG
pic 1 download extension.JPG (92.24 KiB) Viewed 49933 times

Close Visual Studio and then double-click the downloaded extension to begin the installation.
pic 2 VS extension .JPG
pic 2 VS extension .JPG (11.32 KiB) Viewed 49933 times

There isn't much you will need to do after that outside of providing permission to install and clicking an Install button. and a Close button when it is complete.
Beth Kieler
SourceGear Technical Support

Posts: 8550
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Re: Getting started with Vault Visual Studio Clients

Post by Beth » Fri Apr 21, 2017 4:10 pm

Adding Visual Studio projects to Vault using the Vault Enhanced Client or the Vault VS Extension Client.

After installing the Vault client open Visual Studio and your VS solution. Then use the following steps to add the solution to Vault.

1) Go to Tools - Options - Source Control - Plugins. Set the Current source control plugin to either SourceGear Vault Visual Studio Enhanced Client, which is available in VS 2005 - VS 2015, or SourceGear Vault Visual Studio Extension, which is available in VS 2017, and click OK.
pic 4 Choose VS extension.JPG
pic 4 Choose VS extension.JPG (45.07 KiB) Viewed 49900 times

2) The Vault Pending Changes and Vault Pro Notifications windows will open. Doc the windows. Vault Pro Pending Changes will be used in a later step.
pic 5 Pending Changes.JPG
pic 5 Pending Changes.JPG (73.26 KiB) Viewed 49900 times
3) Go to File - Vault Source Control - Add Solution to Vault.
pic 6 Add Solution.JPG
pic 6 Add Solution.JPG (64.38 KiB) Viewed 49900 times
4) Login to the Vault server.
pic 7 Login to Vault.JPG
pic 7 Login to Vault.JPG (27.02 KiB) Viewed 49900 times
5) Choose a repository
pic 8 choose repository.JPG
pic 8 choose repository.JPG (23.96 KiB) Viewed 49900 times
6) Choose the location where your solution should be placed in Vault. It is easier to know where you want it to reside ahead of time than it is to move it later. If you need to create folders, that can be done from the same dialog.
pic 9 choose location.JPG
pic 9 choose location.JPG (43.84 KiB) Viewed 49900 times
7) In some cases, the solution and its files will be pended to be added. In this case, click Commit All to push the solution to Vault. In other cases the full solution will be added in one step.
pic 11 Commit.JPG
pic 11 Commit.JPG (92.76 KiB) Viewed 49900 times

8_) If the Add is successful, you will see new icons next to the files in the Solution Explorer. I am showing a few that you might see in my screenshots here.
pic 10 Source Controlled 1.JPG
pic 10 Source Controlled 1.JPG (18.43 KiB) Viewed 49900 times
pic 10 Source Controlled 2.JPG
pic 10 Source Controlled 2.JPG (19.44 KiB) Viewed 49900 times
pic 10 Source Controlled 3.JPG
pic 10 Source Controlled 3.JPG (18.46 KiB) Viewed 49900 times
9) You can now find source control operations in the right-click menu for the files in the Solution Explorer,
Pic 12 right click.JPG
Pic 12 right click.JPG (61.63 KiB) Viewed 49900 times
and in the File Menu of Visual Studio.
pic 13 File menu.JPG
pic 13 File menu.JPG (53.05 KiB) Viewed 49900 times
Beth Kieler
SourceGear Technical Support

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