Moving Vault During an Upgrade

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Moving Vault During an Upgrade

Post by Beth » Tue Mar 08, 2016 4:41 pm

Sometimes during the course of a Vault upgrade users need to move their servers to new machines. When doing this use a combination of the Upgrading Guide and Moving Vault Kb articles.

In all cases make a backup of your Vault databases prior to starting.

Vault 6.x or higher
  • 1) Restore the Vault backups to the new server.

    2) Install the latest version of Vault server (currently Vault 10.x) and choose the option to keep and reuse the same database when prompted.
Prior to Vault 6.x
  • 1) Check the Compatibility Chart to determine if the next version higher will only run on the current server or if it can run on the new server.
    • case a: If the next version higher can run on the new server, restore the Vault backups to the new server.
      case b: Else remain on the current server.
    • case a: Install the next major version higher of the Vault server on the new server and choose the option to keep and reuse the same database when prompted.

      case b: Install the next major version higher of the Vault server on the current server and choose the option to keep and reuse the same database when prompted.
    3) If you are now as high as Vault 6, then follow the instructions for Vault 6 or higher. If not, return to step one and step through the process again with the version of Vault you just installed.
Visual Studio Integration

If you use Vault integrated with Visual Studio, then VS bindings are affected when the server moves. Instructions on how to bind to the new server can be found here: ... 403#p68403.
Beth Kieler
SourceGear Technical Support

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