Upgrading 2.0.6 to 7.2

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Upgrading 2.0.6 to 7.2

Post by Jadanza » Tue Aug 19, 2014 11:43 am

We have been using vault 2.0.6 for a long long time. It works so well we never felt the need to upgrade. Even have it running under SQL Server 2008 R2. However; Windows 8.1's lack of .NET 1.1 compatibility is forcing us to upgrade to 7.2.

Is this possible? From searching the forums I see that there are some 'baseline' releases that we will need to hit as we make our way from 2.0.6 to 7.2. What are the steps that we need to perform?


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Re: Upgrading 2.0.6 to 7.2

Post by Beth » Tue Aug 19, 2014 3:12 pm

It's possible to get from Vault 2.0.6 to Vault 7.2.1. The fact that you're running it on an unsupported OS and SQL version will venture a bit into unknown territory.

The place to start is with our Vault Upgrading Guide.

If you have any questions about that just let me know.
Beth Kieler
SourceGear Technical Support

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