I see that there are other threads on this, but nothing was ever resolved.
We are using Vault Standard v 6.1.0 (531). We have an employee in another country that is having trouble 'getting' certain files. They are all AutoCAD files (.dwg) that are around 224KB. There are many other .dwg files around that size that they have no problem getting. They have folder-level permissions on the 1st level folder. No one here has any problem. The message window for one of the files reads:
Getting latest version of $/XXXX/45 - Norwalk - 5057/MN - Minnesota (55447)/CAD/1st Floor - 0.dwg
Finished get latest version of $/XXXX/...
An exception was encountered during the latest operation. Exception: 2100 : FailExistingDownload
This occurs when he does a get on that file only.
Exception: 2100
Re: Exception: 2100
We will need to look at the Vault Server Log. Can you either post it here (can remove it later) or send an email to support at sourcegear.com (attn: Beth) with a link to this forum thread and the log file?
Beth Kieler
SourceGear Technical Support
SourceGear Technical Support
Re: Exception: 2100
I just emailed the log file.