DiffMerge presents opaque green boxes

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DiffMerge presents opaque green boxes

Post by mariok@robertmondavi.com » Wed Sep 29, 2004 12:54 pm

We're using the 2.6 release of vault. It seems that diffmerge never displays the contents of the green boxes (insertions). But it does display the contents of the blue boxes (changes). I've attached a screenshot (word doc) demonstrating the issue.

I looked at the options to no resolution.

Any ideas?

Screen shot of diffmerge demonstrating the issue
(38 KiB) Downloaded 327 times


DiffMerge presents opaque green boxes

Post by mariok@robertmondavi.com » Wed Sep 29, 2004 1:02 pm

Ok I found the issue. I'm terminal serving to the box and because it supports only 256 colors, it seems that the client cannot handle the color contrast.

Also forgive my double submission, I did it by accident by refreshing and double posting.

I have a question though: if I'm a sourcegear client what's my user name and password for this forum? I've been prompted once or twice on certain posts.

Mario Karagiorgas
Robert Mondavi Corporation


Post by Guest » Wed Sep 29, 2004 1:08 pm

You can register at http://support.sourcegear.com/profile.p ... 29b06d5a6f

If you've forgotten your username and password, you can just re-register.

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