Can you recommend using Vault together with TeamCity

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Can you recommend using Vault together with TeamCity

Post by leoschoujensen » Wed Oct 17, 2012 4:06 am

We are considering to move to TeamCity for all our projects(about 60 developers) to have a better and easier Continous Delivery strategy.

But I see problems with TeamCity server hanging, and reports about SlowCheckouts: ... -teamcity/

And limitations:
> Only server-side checkout is supported. Personal builds (remote run and pre-tested commit) are not yet supported in any of the IDE.

Im my opinion, SourceGear should worh with TeamCity to make this integration work well...

I got good recommondations of teamcity, and was very happy to see there was a Vault integration, but no happy now, that I see the reports about the problems...

Leo Schou-Jensen, CTO, PDC.DK

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Re: Can you recommend using Vault together with TeamCity

Post by jclausius » Wed Oct 17, 2012 8:02 am


In regards to your question, the integration will rely on JetBrain's TeamCity developers. As the authors of that piece of software, JetBrains is in control of the integration and the outcome will depend on their developers.

Now, I don't know if this will help the situation, but I have been personally exchanging ideas with their developers, and have provided assistance for improving Vault integration. Our door is always open regarding integration, and look forward to JetBrains release of the next version of TeamCity's integration with Vault.
Jeff Clausius

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Re: Can you recommend using Vault together with TeamCity

Post by Beth » Wed Oct 17, 2012 9:12 am

I checked out that thread and checked through our support, and we haven't heard anything from that person about any problems. We do have a little history with him from a little further back, but not related to any slowness.

I haven't used the integration myself, but there are multiple factors to consider with performance. The hardware and how it's maintained makes a huge difference. We have a couple of KB articles that can help with keeping Vault performance up:

Recommendations for optimal Vault performance
Maintenance: The Vault Server database

We have a free demo and can help you with the Vault side of the setup.
Beth Kieler
SourceGear Technical Support

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