Annoying Delete Dialog

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Re: Annoying Delete Dialog

Post by lbauer » Fri Jul 13, 2012 10:13 am

There are currently no plans to make retroactive design changes to Vault 5.1.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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Re: Annoying Delete Dialog

Post by dkalweit » Wed Sep 12, 2012 1:51 pm

Can you please reconsider fixing this in 5.x now that 6.x has been released? This is incredibly cumbersome to my work-- and can leave source control with project-orphaned files if I accidentally click no(or hit enter, as the default is no). I can't easily upgrade to 6.x, as I can't justify to my clients that an upgrade of their servers to 6.x is worthwhile, as there are no features that we would use.

This is an incredibly tiny change on your part-- removing the dialog or giving me a checkbox or registry hack to change it... I don't need anything fancy-- just a way to turn off the prompt(defaulting to delete the files from source control, as it was in previous versions).

Please-- your inattention to this matter is turning me from a very happy Vault customer into a disgruntled one.


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Re: Annoying Delete Dialog

Post by Beth » Wed Sep 19, 2012 3:46 pm

Your feedback is appreciated, but as a software company, we have a priority to move forward with new features and requests. We have a new line-up of requests that Vault 6.x customers are waiting on.

There are a couple of options here though.

1) The change in the delete dialog happened in the Vault client in the Vault 5.1.2 release. It would be possible for you to return to the Vault 5.1.1 client to get back the previous behavior.

2) If going to Vault 5.1.1 client isn't an option, send an email to support at (attn: Beth) and we can discuss this further.
Beth Kieler
SourceGear Technical Support

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