Hi there,
I am having a problem with sharing a library into a project. I get the following error: "A database error has occured (FailDBFault)".
In the server log I get (sensitive info X'ed out):
----9/20/2004 7:39:04 AM XXXXXXX--XXXXXXX--SSL Disabled
Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'pk_tblfsobjectshares'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'tblfsobjectshares'.
The statement has been terminated.
----9/20/2004 7:39:04 AM XXXXXXX--XXXXXXX--SSL Disabled
VaultServiceBase.VaultResponseItem returned: FailDBFault
----9/20/2004 7:39:04 AM XXXXXXX--XXXXXXX--SSL Disabled
I have been trying to reproduce this but could not (although I have got the problem in 2 projects).
It has got something to do with sharing, deleting the share and resharing it (maybe from somewhere else to the same location).
Vault repository structure is:
- Proj1
----- imports
- Lib1
So Lib1 in imports was deleted. Resharing it now causes the error. Obliterating Lib1 from imports does not solve it either. Even deleting the whole "imports" directory, recreating it and sharing back lib1 fails.
We are using vault 2.0.6.
Thanks for any infos,
Sharing Problem
Moderator: SourceGear
- Yes we do use multiple repositories.
- Lib1 is definately not in another repository.
Is it possible I can send you 1 repository only? We have got a testing repo as well where this error occurs. It is quite small, if it can be extracted from the SQL Server in any way, let me know.
- Yes we do use multiple repositories.
- Lib1 is definately not in another repository.
Is it possible I can send you 1 repository only? We have got a testing repo as well where this error occurs. It is quite small, if it can be extracted from the SQL Server in any way, let me know.