Vautl 6 installs

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Vautl 6 installs

Post by glerler » Wed Aug 01, 2012 10:43 am

I see that vault 6 is out and in reading the notes it is not backwards compatible with prior versions. is it possible to have versions 5 & 6 installed on the same machine and the same time"

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Re: Vautl 6 installs

Post by lbauer » Wed Aug 01, 2012 11:19 am

You can't install two different versions of Vault Server on the same machine.

It's possible to have 2 Vault Clients on the same machine, but it's a workaround. And if you're using Visual Studio integration, Enhanced Client integration is enabled only for the most recently installed client version.

Let me know if you want the details.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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Joined: Mon Nov 15, 2010 12:12 pm

Re: Vautl 6 installs

Post by glerler » Wed Aug 01, 2012 11:31 am

That would be great if you could.
I have several different clients that use Vault but not the same server version.

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Re: Vautl 6 installs

Post by lbauer » Thu Aug 02, 2012 12:42 pm

Here's a workaround to use two different Vault GUI Client versions on the same client machine.

First, install the Vault client VersionA, if it's not already on the machine. Then copy the files in the Vault client VersionA directory and put them into a folder somewhere else on your drive. Then install Vault client VersionB. You should be able to use each client from its own directory.

The tricky part is IDE integration. If you are using the Visual Studio Enhanced client integration with Vault, you can only use Enhanced integration with the last client installed. The installer adds several registry entries for Enhanced client integration, so it's not possible to switch between Vault client versions for Enhanced integration.

Some options:

You may be able to use Classic integration for one of the Vault Client versions and Enhanced for the other, though you would have to change the path for classic client in the registry to point to the older Vault Client.

You can also decide not to use IDE integration with the older client version, and do your source control functions with the Vault GUI Client and your development in Visual Studio.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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