Vault Standard: Get an error on trying to commit 38MB file

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Vault Standard: Get an error on trying to commit 38MB file

Post by greenstone » Fri Jul 20, 2012 10:18 am


When I try to commit a very large file to SourceGear Vault Standard, I get an error.

When I give a smal file the same filename, then I can commit it fine.

Vault 5.1.2 - 19281

Thoughts on how I can commit this large file to Vault?




[7/20/2012 12:12:08 PM] Preparing data to begin transaction
[7/20/2012 12:12:08 PM] Beginning transaction
[7/20/2012 12:12:08 PM] Item $/Production/AssistWeb/UnitTest/TestInput/ProductEmployeeImport/OldVersions/ caused the transaction to fail: The object could not be found. It may have been deleted, moved or renamed.
[7/20/2012 12:12:08 PM] Transaction failed
[7/20/2012 12:12:44 PM] Preparing data to begin transaction
[7/20/2012 12:12:44 PM] Beginning transaction
[7/20/2012 12:12:44 PM] Create folder $/Production/AssistWeb/UnitTest/TestInput/ProductEmployeeImport/OldVersions
[7/20/2012 12:12:44 PM] Add $/Production/AssistWeb/UnitTest/TestInput/ProductEmployeeImport/OldVersions/
[7/20/2012 12:12:44 PM] Ending the transaction
[7/20/2012 12:12:45 PM] Transaction completed successfully
[7/20/2012 12:13:19 PM] Preparing data to begin transaction
[7/20/2012 12:13:19 PM] Beginning transaction
[7/20/2012 12:13:19 PM] Check in $/Production/AssistWeb/UnitTest/TestInput/ProductEmployeeImport/OldVersions/
[7/20/2012 12:13:24 PM] Upload for item $/Production/AssistWeb/UnitTest/TestInput/ProductEmployeeImport/OldVersions/ failed, retrying...
[7/20/2012 12:13:29 PM] Upload for item $/Production/AssistWeb/UnitTest/TestInput/ProductEmployeeImport/OldVersions/ failed, retrying...
[7/20/2012 12:13:34 PM] Upload for item $/Production/AssistWeb/UnitTest/TestInput/ProductEmployeeImport/OldVersions/ failed, retrying...
[7/20/2012 12:13:34 PM] Ending the transaction
[7/20/2012 12:13:37 PM] Transaction failed
[7/20/2012 12:13:34 PM] Upload for item $/Production/AssistWeb/UnitTest/TestInput/ProductEmployeeImport/OldVersions/ failed too many times, aborting transaction.
Please verify your network settings using the Options dialog under the Tools menu in the Vault GUI Client.
The specific error was "The server had an error processing the file upload but did not return an error header. The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found."
An exception was encountered during the transaction. Exception: The server had an error processing the file upload but did not return an error header. The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found. at VaultClientOperationsLib.ClientInstance.UploadItem(ChangeSetItem item, String txID, Byte[]& streamBuffer, Int32& bytesWrittenThisFile, Boolean bIsImport)
at VaultClientOperationsLib.UploadThread.ProcessCommand(UploadThreadCommand command, UploadThreadCommandResult& outputResult)
[7/20/2012 12:13:37 PM] Transaction failed

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Joined: Tue Dec 16, 2003 1:25 pm
Location: SourceGear

Re: Vault Standard: Get an error on trying to commit 38MB f

Post by lbauer » Fri Jul 20, 2012 11:01 am

The first thing I would suggest is to try chunked encoding for uploads. This can reduce memory consumption.

This setting is in the Vault GUI Client under tools->Options->Network Settings.

If you already have that checked, you could try unchecking it.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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