Source control "lost" for some files

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Source control "lost" for some files

Post by Dino » Mon Sep 13, 2004 1:52 pm

I now have files in my project that are in Vault that I cannot check in or out. If I edit them, it just asks me if I want to overwrite the existing files. If I try to check them in, it states "None of the items selected are valid for this operation". This has happened to files like Global.asax.cs and the .resx - I can no longer check them in or out.

I've tried removing them from the project, re-adding them, checking them in/out from Vault client etc but they simply will not retain any source control state in VS.Net.

Any ideas where to look?

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Post by dan » Mon Sep 13, 2004 2:05 pm

When the IDE gets itself wrapped around the axel like this, the best thing to do it shut it down, and bring up the Vault standalone GUI client, and check the state of the files (checked out or not), and see if they have the edits that you think they should have, and then commit any changes you want from there. Once you have what you want in Vault, do a Get Latest and confirm (using the search pane) that the status of the files are all up to date.

If the IDE is too messed up to continue, you can always to an Open From Source Control to a new working folder, which will pull all new files from Vault, and reset all the binding state.

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Post by Dino » Mon Sep 13, 2004 2:19 pm

dan wrote:If the IDE is too messed up to continue, you can always to an Open From Source Control to a new working folder, which will pull all new files from Vault, and reset all the binding state.
Am I not better to just delete my existing working directory and then get it all "fresh" from Vault? Reason being is I have linked files in my solutions, and creating the project in a different folder might mess up that project, or some of the other projects...

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Post by dan » Mon Sep 13, 2004 2:25 pm

That may work too. If you do this, you might want to just delete the files locally that are giving you trouble. If you remove the whole working folder (and the project/solution files too), you will need to do an Open From Source Control the first time to re-establish the bindings. I'm not sure what would happen if you deleted one project folder but not other projects within the same solution. I guess you could start with just the files and work your way up to project files, and eventually to the whole solution if you need to.

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