Undo Checkout Warning

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Undo Checkout Warning

Post by BTCMardy » Wed Aug 31, 2011 3:07 am


Firstly can I say we recently bought Vault 5 and it works brilliantly much better than other source control we tried, huge thumbs up!

I would like to know if it is possible to configure a setting to give a warning if I change something and then undo checkout? I have had a little look through the forum and this seems to have come up as a possible feature upgrade for Vault 3.0 but I have not seen anything more recent. Is this feature available?


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Re: Undo Checkout Warning

Post by Beth » Wed Aug 31, 2011 8:21 am

We don't currently have a warning that you are undoing a file that had changes to it, but I have a feature request I can add your "vote" to.

If you perform an Undo Check Out, a dialog box should pop up to give you the option of reverting your files to what they were before or leaving them alone. If that box is not coming up, then hold your shift key down when you select Undo Check Out. There's a check box option on that dialog to not show it that you may have checked.

On the undo check out, you could choose the option to Leave the files instead of Revert them. That would prevent any overwrites.

If you do overwrite, it's possible to get the changes back. Just right-click the file and select properties and you'll see the backup tab where you can retrieve previous changes from.
Beth Kieler
SourceGear Technical Support

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