Vault server errors

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Vault server errors

Post by dangibson » Tue Aug 02, 2011 11:46 pm

We're using Vault 5.1.1 (19215) and have recently started getting errors.

The sgvault database file is 5000mb and the log file is 600mb, both set to auto grow and the drives have 50gb free. We are using SQL server 2005.

The errors are:
Specified cast is not valid

We've been using Vault for several years without any problem and just recently these problems have started. We have 12 vault users. If we wait a few minutes and retry then it usually works.

What should I do?

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Re: Vault server errors

Post by Beth » Wed Aug 03, 2011 7:50 am

You should probably start with shrinking the transaction log files and then perform an iisreset on the machine.
  • 1. Make a complete BACKUP of the database.
    2. Execute 'BACKUP LOG sgvault WITH TRUNCATE_ONLY'
    3. Execute this entire section:
    • USE sgvault
      DBCC SHRINKFILE ( sgvault_log )
    4. Make a complete BACKUP of the database with the truncated log.
To perform an iisreset, go to Start - Run and type iisreset. Just stopping and starting the IIS service manually doesn't clear out the server-side caches, but the iisreset command does.
Beth Kieler
SourceGear Technical Support

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