Vault 5.0.2 and ANT

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Vault 5.0.2 and ANT

Post by kenundrum » Tue Mar 15, 2011 1:16 pm

I have a script that I use to allow for Vault and CruiseControl (NOT the .NET versions) to talk with one another, however for the life of me I can NOT seem to get it to work. I think based upon the info I have it is timing out because no one is 'logged in'. I use the

Code: Select all

tag to have the correct username, password, URL, and repository that I am interested in, however the ANT documentation states that
This command does not trigger a login.
So how do I login then to get to the point where I can actually do something? Any help is much appreciated. Should examples be required they can be provided.

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Re: Vault 5.0.2 and ANT

Post by lbauer » Wed Mar 16, 2011 3:25 pm

Here's some sample code that might be helpful:

There were written for nAnt, but should work the same for ANT.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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