I am currently evaluating SourceOffSite using the demonstration license. However, after installing the SOS 4.0.2 server on NT 4.0 (SP6), I am unable to connect from the client.
My log file is as follows:
8/19/04 11:26:05 AM - ****************************************************
8/19/04 11:26:05 AM - SourceOffSite Server 4.0.2 Professional - With Cryptography
8/19/04 11:26:05 AM - CurrentCulture is en-US.
8/19/04 11:26:05 AM - Server Information
8/19/04 11:26:05 AM - No Operating System information is avaiable
8/19/04 11:26:05 AM - No Computer System information is available
8/19/04 11:26:05 AM - Timezone: Unknown
8/19/04 11:26:05 AM -
8/19/04 11:26:05 AM - SSAPI.dll Information:
8/19/04 11:26:05 AM - Location: file:///C:/Program Files/SourceOffSite Server/Interop.SourceSafeTypeLib.DLL
8/19/04 11:26:05 AM - DisplayName: Interop.SourceSafeTypeLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
8/19/04 11:26:05 AM -
8/19/04 11:26:05 AM - Started at 8/19/04 11:26:05 AM
8/19/04 11:26:05 AM - General logging level is Info. Method logging is Disabled.
8/19/04 11:26:05 AM - Number of licenses configured: 10
8/19/04 11:26:05 AM - SourceSafe Initialization file(s) located at:
8/19/04 11:26:05 AM - E:\SaffronLatest\srcsafe.ini
8/19/04 11:26:05 AM - E:\VSS\srcsafe.ini
8/19/04 11:26:05 AM - saffron02 is attempting to listen for connections on secure port 8081
8/19/04 11:26:05 AM - saffron02 is attempting to listen for connections on unsecure port 8080
8/19/04 11:26:05 AM - Waiting for a connection....secure = True
8/19/04 11:26:05 AM - Waiting for a connection....secure = False
8/19/04 11:27:21 AM - Connection accepted from on local address, session id is 1.
8/19/04 11:27:21 AM - 1: Connection from: ymh2.saffrontechnology.local (
8/19/04 11:27:26 AM - 1: User 'bmcgiverin' requesting to login to database 'E:\SaffronLatest\srcsafe.ini'
8/19/04 11:27:26 AM - 1: Client is speaking protocol version 2.0
8/19/04 11:27:26 AM - 1: Exception during Login: Exception from HRESULT: 0x8004D845.
8/19/04 11:27:26 AM - 1: Exception from HRESULT: 0x8004D845.
8/19/04 11:27:26 AM - 1: User bmcgiverin disconnected from ymh2.saffrontechnology.local.
Exception during login
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