414: Request-URI Too Large.

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414: Request-URI Too Large.

Post by mcantillon » Thu Jul 29, 2010 3:42 am

Hi All,

I am trying to get Vault working with CruiseControl.NET and am facing some issues. CruiseControl is reporting "Source control operation failed: . Process command" so after some reading on this forum I tried taking the Vault command and running it in a command prompt.
That gave me my first workable error which was a Proxy issue, again after reading on the forum I made some changes to the command line and tried again.
I am now getting the following:

Code: Select all

  <!--An exception was encountered during the get latest operation.  Exception:
The Vault server could not be contacted to perform the operation.  Your network
connection to the server may have been interrupted.  Please verify your network
settings using the Options dialog under the Tools menu in the Vault GUI Client.T
he request failed with HTTP status 414: Request-URI Too Large.-->
    <exception>VaultClientOperationsLib.GetLatestVersionFailedException: Excepti
on of type 'VaultClientOperationsLib.GetLatestVersionFailedException' was thrown
   at VaultClientOperationsLib.ClientInstance.ProcessGetFileRequests(GetFileInfo
[] infos, MakeWritableType makeWritable, SetFileTimeType setFileTime, MergeType
merge, Boolean updateHiddenFilesOnly, String ancestorFullPath, Boolean flat, Str
ing ancestorDiskPath, OverwritePrompt PromptData, Boolean isLabelGet, String cur
rentPathToLabelItem, Int64 labelID, Boolean isRetry, Boolean isGetByDisplayVersi
   at VaultClientOperationsLib.ClientInstance.Get(VaultClientFolder[] folders, B
oolean forceLatest, MakeWritableType makeWritable, SetFileTimeType setFileTime,
MergeType merge, OverwritePrompt PromptData)
   at VaultClientOperationsLib.ClientInstance.Get(VaultClientFolder folder, Bool
ean recursive, Boolean forceLatest, MakeWritableType makeWritable, SetFileTimeTy
pe setFileTime, MergeType merge, OverwritePrompt PromptData)
   at VaultClientIntegrationLib.GetOperations.performGetVersion(String objectPat
h, Int32 version, String strDestFolder, GetOptions getOptions)
   at VaultClientIntegrationLib.GetOperations.ProcessCommandGetVersion(String ob
jectPath, Int32 version, GetOptions getOptions)
   at VaultCmdLineClient.VaultCmdLineClient.ProcessCommand(Args curArg)
   at VaultCmdLineClient.VaultCmdLineClient.Main(String[] args)</exception>
I have search the forum and google and have not found anything for "414: Request-URI Too Large"

Can anyone help or give me some pointers?

Thanks for you time.


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Re: 414: Request-URI Too Large.

Post by lbauer » Thu Jul 29, 2010 8:27 am

I did a search on HTTP statuses:
414 - Request-URI Too Long
The 414 status code indicates the the URL requested by the client was longer than it can process.
Do you have a long URL in your command? Is there a way to shorten it?

More info here:

Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

Posts: 3
Joined: Thu Jul 29, 2010 3:33 am

Re: 414: Request-URI Too Large.

Post by mcantillon » Thu Jul 29, 2010 9:18 am

Hi Linda,

Thanks for you reply.

The command I am running is:

vault.exe getversion 3747 $/Projects/MyProject C:\Builds\Working -useworkingfolder -merge overwrite -makewritable -backup no -setfiletime checkin -host sourcegear.mydomain.co.uk -user ccnet -password password -repository "My - Codebase" -proxyserver myproxy -proxyport 8888

There aren't any long URL's in it. This there a way of getting more information from Vault like the URL that failed?

I get this error via the GUI Client also.



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Re: 414: Request-URI Too Large.

Post by lbauer » Thu Jul 29, 2010 3:06 pm

I get this error via the GUI Client also.
I don't think we've seen this error before. At what point do you get the error when using the GUI Client?
Are you trying to do a Get Latest with the GUI Client, too?

Is this a large get? Can you get a subfolder or smaller subset of files?

Did this work properly before?
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

Posts: 3
Joined: Thu Jul 29, 2010 3:33 am

Re: 414: Request-URI Too Large.

Post by mcantillon » Mon Aug 02, 2010 1:51 am


I get the following output in the GUI messages tab after selecting Get Latest from the root of my project.

[02/08/2010 08:43:33] Getting latest version of $/Projects/Brunel
[02/08/2010 08:43:56] Finished get latest of $/Projects/Brunel
[02/08/2010 08:43:56] An exception was encountered during the get latest operation. Exception: The Vault server could not be contacted to perform the operation. Your network connection to the server may have been interrupted. Please verify your network settings using the Options dialog under the Tools menu in the Vault GUI Client.The request failed with HTTP status 414: Request-URI Too Large.

I can do a Get Latest on subfolders in the same project fine. Other members of the team don't have this issue and are able to Get Latest from the root.

The Stats on the project in Vault are:

45 Files
10 Subfolders (with many subfolders and lots of files)
Tree size 1.11GB
Disk space needed 2.21GB

Are there any logs or more information that might help you. I really need to get a solution to this in place so that our build server is back up and running again.

Thanks for your time.


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Location: SourceGear

Re: 414: Request-URI Too Large.

Post by lbauer » Mon Aug 02, 2010 9:00 am

Did this work properly before?

If so, has something changed on the machine?

Is the problem specific to the machine logged in user? If you login as a different user on your machine do you get the same result?

There may be helpful information in the logs:

First, enable debug server logging in the Admin Web Client under Server Settings->Logging->Log Level.

Then enable logging for all events in the user's GUI Client. Open the Vault GUI Client and hold down the following keys on your keyboard: Control-Alt Shift F12.

Reproduce the problem, then send me copies of the logs. Let me know what username was experiencing the error and what time the error occurred so I know where to look for in the logs.

Also, any relevant errors in the event viewer?
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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