Change default server from Visual Studio

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Change default server from Visual Studio

Post by rwmnau » Wed Oct 01, 2008 9:41 pm

I'm a single developer with a Fortress server set up on my home network. I want to be able to access this server both when I'm home, and when I'm traveling. I currently have it set up so I can access it remotely, but here's my problem - the Visual Studio client thinks that my server is on the 192.168.x.x network, and I can't change its mind. When I open a project and it tries to log me in, I don't have an option to change the location of the server I'm logging into. I'd like to be able to select from multiple servers here (or at least enter different details). When I used to use Vault, I had multiple profiles set up, and I would just use the correct one based on where I was, but this option seems to be gone now. Maybe it's because I'm using the new enhanced client instead of the MSSCCI client?

I'm developing in VS2005, if it makes a difference, though I seem to have the same problem in VS2008, where I also have it set up as with the enhanced provider. Any thoughts on a workaround for this?

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Re: Change default server from Visual Studio

Post by lbauer » Thu Oct 02, 2008 5:43 am

With the the Enhanced Client, the server URL is written into solution and project files. This means that the host name you choose needs to resolve to the correct server whether you're on the LAN or remote. If that's not possible, the easiest thing to do on remote machines is modify the Windows hosts file to add an alias.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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Re: Change default server from Visual Studio

Post by mdraughn » Fri Jan 30, 2009 11:35 am

I'm using VS2008 the same way, and I had a similar problem, except the server address was always "localhost". You can't (or at least shouldn't) edit the hosts file to rename that one. I created another VS2008 solution and set it up to use the same repository via a named host, and then I inspected the solution file and copied over a few lines from the new solution to the old one:

Code: Select all

GlobalSection(VaultVsipSolution-v2) = preSolution
        VaultHost = http://YOUR_HOSTNAME_HERE/VaultService
        VaultRepositoryID = YOUR_ID_HERE
        VaultRepositoryGUID = YOUR_GUID_HERE
When I loaded the old solution in VS2008, Vault complained about missing parameters, but it connected to the right server and I was able to re-bind all the projects.

Anyone know if there's a better/safer/supported way to handle this problem?

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Re: Change default server from Visual Studio

Post by lbauer » Wed Feb 04, 2009 9:11 am

This was logged as bug 13813 in our bug tracking system and we hope to address it in Vault 5.0, due out later this year.

In the meantime, one option would be to switch to the Vault Classic Client. You would need to unbind your project, switch integration clients, then rebind with the Classic Client.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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