GetLatest Version with Vault.

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GetLatest Version with Vault.

Post by karlb » Mon Feb 02, 2009 2:29 am


I need to do the backup of the files in the repository. Right now I'm using CMD script to do that. Script (a part of it) looks like that:

Code: Select all

RMDIR /S /Q Files
%VAULT% GET -server %SERVER% -ssl -user %USER% -password %PASS% -repository %REPOSITORY% $
Now I would like to avoid deleting the "Files" directory at every iteration and use GETLATEST instead of GET switch.

Is there a command in Vault.exe which would "download" the latest version of the files (for example GETLATEST or something similar)?


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Re: GetLatest Version with Vault.

Post by lbauer » Mon Feb 02, 2009 11:11 am

Is CMD the Vault Command Line Client? If so "Get" is a "get latest" command. If you set the "Files" directory as the working directory for the Vault user who is logging in, a cache and baselines folder will be created, and subsequent gets will only get files that have changed in the repository.

More on the Get command here: ... lc.htm#GET

Let me know if this does not resolve the problem.
Linda Bauer
Technical Support Manager

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